
Friday 7 March 2014

Children's cutlery tray

I needed to create a miniature cutlery tray for the girls cutlery, as it was getting a bit confusing digging through the pile to find the bits required for each meal.

Copying the ideas of several blogs I decided to use cereal boxes as my base template instead of making the boxes from scratch. 
I started by placing the boxes I thought I was going to use in the drawer I wanted them for the make sure they would fit properly. Then folding them all flat I cut them so they would all be 4cm tall.

I used double sided sticky tape for this project to stick the box back into shape...

and stick the boxes together.

Next the lining. I have used some wall paper. There are many ways you can cut, fold paper for this but I decided to use a length long enough to fit and only just wide enough. Then used a scoreboard to score where I want the folds. 

Next I made lining to cover each end. 
Cut they paper to the size I needed. Used my score board to measure where I needed to fold and cut. Then cut slots to go around the boxes.

Placed double sided sticky tape in place as near to the edges as possible.

Now to the sticking!
Starting with the ends I started by sticking the side panels. Then the base flaps.

Stick down the outside and the side flaps.

Next I prepared the main lining panel, making sure there was a piece of tape on each section and as close add possible to each edge.

I stuck each panel one at a time.


I also created am extra compartment. I was going to attach it but considered that that would complicate matters more than necessary. Since it was a single compartment is was easier to use a single piece of wallpaper to line this box. 
For this box I stuck the bottom panel first and then the sides.

Complete and in place

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Up cycling

Forgive the selfies 
This project all started with the rediscovery of one of my favourite scarves. 
 A lovely colour that matches most of my wardrobe, not too chunky, just about the right length for me to hoop around my neck. (I don't like tying knots) and lovely and soft.
 But it has a hole!
 Well turns out I needed an excuse to use one of my Bigz dies and some felt I had bought recently. So I cut some felt flowers. 
The hardest decision was weather to stack the flowers or used them separately.
 Tacked the first flower in place over the hole and started back stitching around the hole. I am hoping that will be enough to stop the hole getting worse. 
It was at this point I realised I had not thought how to attach the rest of the petals so decided to stitch a line up the petals to add detail.
 Thankfully this worked out quite nicely

1st Flower complete with tacking stitches removed.

Second flower complete

Completed my repair and upcycle on Monday  17/02/14

The completed scarf (hopefully post up a better photo soon)

N.B. I have only put the flowers on the one side of the scarf as the knit it has naturally rolls back on its self and the back of the flowers are unlikely the been seen. 

Monday 17 February 2014

It's the little things

Just a little post reminding me that a little extra effort can often get a much better result.
While avoiding all the things I could and should be doing this morning, I thought I would have a play around with my die cutting machine. Cutting out flower shapes in contrasting colours and shades. Check out the before and after pics of the green flower. The only difference was I spent and extra minute rolling the top petals round my figures.
What a difference!

Monday 10 February 2014

Making a good start to a productive year

Posting later than hoped but been productive before the family invasion and time to make a record before I forget.

A couple of my friends have started coming round to "come and play" with my crafty stash, which is wonderful as it gives me a good excuse to play myself. Even if just to show off how to do certain effects. Mostly made little toppers while friends are here and come up with more ideas of things I want to do, but actually realised I could make my creation while showing off. so made a card using a spellbinders die I had picked up as part of a bigger bundle before Christmas. It has come out pretty well considering I was just playing about with a few ideas.

With the girls
A while back through the dangerous idea ground that is Pinterest I came across this post
making a simple but effective canvas art for this bloggers new house. My interest in it was a project  could get the kids involved in for the more exciting parts.
So gave the girls a small canvas to paint. I offered them a range of colours and let them (...well mostly R) pick what colours to use. I didn't get too involved only to try and make sure they tried to paint in one main direction. Sorry but with a 1 year old and a 4 year old I was not brave enough to try and take pictures during the paining process, (also probably should have move downstairs to the none carpeted area before doing this part of the project).

Next I started adding low take tape in some sort of diagonal pattern across the canvass.

A lot of credit has to be given to Sarah the original blogger as I found covering just this small canvas a bit of a trial. especially without doing any  pre-measuring I found it frustrating when bits would not join up as much as I would have hoped. 

If you look closely you may see where some bits of tape have been subtly extended.
As well as starting the project with the kids, acrylic paints up in the carpeted studio space, I also chose a bad time of year to want to go outside (even for 10 minutes) to spray paint the canvas at this point. After my first hopeful attempt when the sun was shining and it started to hail just as I had set up my space, I was at least prepared with everything to hand for the next sunny spell. 
 Thankfully giving just enough time for it to have the recommened 2 hours drying time (indoors after 10 minutes) so that R and E could help me remove the tape to reveal our master piece.

 The girls enjoyed taking all the tape off, although E did get distracted for most of the time as sticking tape to her belly was more interesting that taking it off the canvas.

And too the final product with added tear created by the last 2 out of 4 pieces. Typical!
Create a dramatics focus I suppose.
R was very proud of it. 

Baby memory box 
I was somewhat over excited about becoming an Aunty. for some reason it seems just as amazing as being a mum but without all the hard work. And no, I am still sure I do not want any more children. With everyone and baby Yvee coming over for 2nd Christmas last week I wanted to make a little memory box for all those little things Jon and Abi are going to keep with Yvee. I came across the idea in one of my Craft Beautiful magazines a few months ago so adapted that to a little chest of drawers a had found. 
I am actually quite happy with how it came out.
Although I would have liked to have a little more time to add a bit more detail, but didn't dare keep hold of it for fear of what might happen in the post.


That is enough for one post. 
A good start to a crafty new year. 
Another project in process, hopefully will be a post for Up cycling soon 

Friday 3 January 2014

New Year, new computer, lets go

My lovely new computer is up and running beautifully. Had a little set back as my printer has decided to go on the fritz after printing ONE PAGE! New printer on order but have realized this afternoon that does not stop me from writing here especially when i even have projects to post up.

First up card makes (apologies if there are repeats from previous posts)

I have been taking advantage of coordinated papers that I have gained as for the time this has help me speed up the creating process as I don't take as long deciding on my basic colour scheme. Still I am pretty happy with how these have turned out especially the new baby card. I will have to keep ahead of myself as so many cards never got made still. Apologies the intention was there

Christmas Crafts

Last year I purchased a nativity scene cookie cutter set with the idea of creating nice home made gifts. this year I actually went about making said ginger bread cookies with R (my eldest). creating took up a little more time than expected so only managed to make and send one completed cookie scene this year. (Had infact made 2 but did the first as a dummy run to figure out reciepie and test how much involvement R was going to want to have.
I feel it came out rather nicely in the end, especially once put together.

R helping me icing the trail run. Red was clearly a bit stronger possibly on the toxic levels 

Our first batch you can probably see we have also made some not nativity shapes too to help use up the extra cookie dough

Central figures

Hidden inside are also a donkey and a cow that I decided not to try and stand independently as a lot of leaning is involved for the other figures. may try and different icing mixture next year. 

And finally since J's barber offered him a bag of holly I thought I had best put it to good use and made some wreaths for the neighbors

Have to admit Ii thought they came out pretty well. (Helps to have holly that is not too spiky)

Well that is all I can find photographic evidence of for now. I know there is at least one more card somewhere. Hopefully shall locate it before my next up date.

I hope you have enjoyed. Here to a crafting new year and some more frequent and informative blogging to come.
